In this blog, you will read about interesting situations and FAQs intended for community managers. While I'm writing this, I hope my crew doesn't get angry :) sorry, #contentiscontent, #communityisecommunity.

The first challenge that every community manager will ever face is the "fridge incidents," and they never seem to stop. When I say incidents, I mean missing chocolates, ice creams, and other delicious foods. If a month goes by without being asked, "Have you seen my sandwich?" or "Where did my milk go?"—something strange is happening :) However, your community spirit will not allow you to get angry, even though you may sometimes find yourself in a situation where someone uses your lunch.

Another source of inexhaustible controversy is the hot-cold topic. Every community manager has probably received the two famous questions at the same moment: "Can we turn up the heat?" and "Could you now turn off the heat or open the window?"—without even mentioning summer days when the air conditioner kicks in. In these situations, as a person who is always hot, I resort to the theme of "fresh air" and choose to open the window. :D

Having already overcome intentional or unintentional sharing of lunch, we now move on to "problems" of a cable nature. That's where the questions "Do you have HDMI?", "Can anyone borrow USB-C?", "I need a dongle" come up. "Where did my Apple charger go?"... that's where ters offers a great solution, which is the Slack channel #i-need-a-dongle. And we still haven't solved the situation of the missing power cables. We have to come up with a better solution for that. ;)

During recent months, while we were in the phase of intensive construction of the new ters space, our community management team unanimously agrees that one of the most frequently asked questions was: "Where is Nermin?" You all know Nermin, our CEO. He became the most wanted person in Pofalići. We will never know the answer to the question of where he is, and we will get this question at least once a day.

There is one famous question that is often connected to the previous one. It comes from coworkers and often from external colleagues, clients, acquaintances, or event visitors, and that is: "When will the new space open?" We decided a long time ago that this is a forbidden question that brings negative energy into our team, so we will decide not to answer it today. Just kidding, deadlines are a weird thing, and it's best not to specify them. We speak from experience. I would say, "Don't ask how we know," but I think you all understand.

Part of everyday life in coworking is certainly the topic of food. And also, "What are we going to eat?" It gets much more complicated when 10+ people are involved, especially if it is decided which cheese pie is better, whether it's at “Kod šefa” or in MM. "Junk or healthy food for today?" usually ends up with 100 reasons for healthy, but those 5 for junk still prevail. And so it all boils down to Sosse pizza or the famous La linea doner...

And now, the strangest ters situation, which has not been resolved to this day: "Who (and why) left the peel of tangerines and bananas in the toilet?" It looks like we'll never know the answers, which I'm glad about in a way—because I'm a little afraid of what kind of answer we might get :)

The air fryer sect (a special group of people in the coworking space that owns the famous air fryer) often asks questions about what is being fried. Recipes are exchanged on a daily basis. And it is certainly a fact that no one brings anything to tershouse, so “bujrum” is not an option :D

Additionally, from the section of unanswered questions, we highlight "Who pissed off the ters cat?" since from 2019 to today, he has never laughed or shown any interest in changing that. He stands as he stands, scowling in his terse fashion.

And finally, I asked Ivona to help me and give her contribution to this blog post, so I asked her what is the most common question she receives from coworkers. The answer is: "Can I have a package of Stretto coffee?" As expected, I just don't know how I missed it. :D