New research shows that an increasing number of companies decide to hire people with no previous experience, especially when it comes to assistant positions. They point out that, at the moment, they value motivation, the desire to learn and advance, and innovation more than just experience in the fields where they welcome new employees. Although HR managers and entrepreneurs are aware that hiring people without previous experience carries with it certain risks and uncertainty, it often turns out that this step also brings some benefits to companies and teams.

At tershouse, as a business incubator, today we count an increasing number of companies that are expanding their teams, so we decided to do a short research on this topic. Find out below what managers and company owners think about hiring people without experience and what advantages they would point out when it comes to this.

Nermin Šehić, CEO and founder of tershouse points out that: 'Young people have great potential to contribute to companies because they have an innovative approach that brings a new perspective and new energy to the team. One of the main advantages of hiring someone without experience is that there are no already created models of behavior, so it is easier to adapt them to the needs of the company - which in the case of tershouse is a great need, considering that we are trying to get out of the framework of a stereotypical BiH company. Through our work, we strive to gather a team of people who think in accordance with the philosophy of the brand we are building, and it is easier with young, motivated and dedicated people - regardless of whether they have previous experience or not.'

Selma Čapara, as a representative in the American Councils for International Education - Office in BiH, often meets young people through various collaborations, including employment. She points out that: 'Whether to hire someone without experience, and if so, why - a good question, but also a tricky one. It depends on the position and the applicant, but the practice is to really give a chance to younger people who do not have much work experience. We generally give a chance to people without experience. But, also, for some positions, we prefer that a person has experience, for example, when it comes to a specific sphere and working with foreigners.' When asked what advantages people without experience have, she says that: 'There are several reasons - it is possible to "shape" them into something, easier than someone with years of experience. If that makes sense. But the main reason is really - to give a chance to someone new, someone who has the will to work, get an education, learn languages, work on the computer, the Internet, social media, and those are mostly younger folks.'

Menil Vuković, founder of the company 'PearShadow', where 75% of employees get their first work experience right there, says that: 'I look completely equally at people with and without experience because I noticed that desire, persistence and sacrifice are often more important factors than just experience.'

Damir Šeremet, head of the DiTactic company, agrees to hire people without experience. He points out that: 'I look at their soft skills, motivation and desire to work. When they don't have experience, it's more important to me that they want to work for the sake of learning, and not to work exclusively for high salaries - and that they are aware that a good salary comes with good motivation and contribution to the team.'

Another company that is 'under the umbrella' of tershouse, sunray, mostly has employees for whom this job is their first work experience. Sandi Hrvić, co-founder of this company believes that: 'When it is not necessary for you to hire someone right away, the advantage is that you can choose based on human qualities and not knowledge, and that you can teach people your mentality and work habits instead of inheriting the culture from previous companies of its employees.' 

If you, as an employer, have had doubts about whether to hire people without experience, we hope that the words of the tershouse coworkers from this article have helped you make a decision and give someone the opportunity to join your team. If you are wondering when is the best time to take that step - the answer is always! In many situations, hiring people without experience can be a good decision for you, because young and motivated people bring a special driving energy, besides learning from you, you can also learn something from them, and they are the ideal motivation to look from a different perspective! For all students and young people without work experience, let this serve as motivation to start their first work victories without fear. Be free and self-confident and open to new possibilities.

Author of the article: Nevena Lučić, Community manager at tershouse