A lot of us millennials roll our eyes at the mention of Gen Z and think of them as spoiled. However, where does this generational gap between these two age categories come from, and what does the research say what generation Z really is like?

Thinkers like Auguste Comte argued that generational change is the driver of social change. There are currently 10 different generations living in the world.

According to sociologists, people born in certain periods show common characteristics that are shaped by the historical circumstances in which they were born. For example, people born from 1946-1964. the so-called baby boomers are followed by generation X (people born between 1965-1980, followed by generation Y or millennials born between 1981-1995, generation Z and the latest generation born after 2010, which is generation Alpha.

Of course, each generation contains individuals who have different interests, patterns of behavior, plans for the future, worldviews, etc., but there are still some common characteristics that connect sociologically determined generations. For generation Z, it is the fact that they are almost always online and they get done everything online- from shopping, meeting friends and partners, work, everything.

They are the "New Kids" of our time. Kids who differ in many ways from their predecessors, the 'millenials' who still value spending time in nature, libraries, cinemas and going out more than TikTok, K-pop and reels. We are talking about a very conscious but, according to research, isolated and unhappy generation. They are considered the first digital generation because they grew up with tablets and phones in their hands and their lives are tied to computers and mobile phones from an early age. They are Generation Z or Zoomers!

They are obsessed with social networks, climate change and the fight for personal rights. According to many, they are stubborn, sassy and dictate the new world order in every sense. Generation Z is not the Facebook generation. This is the generation of faster networks and formats such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube shorts, where video and information transmission are getting shorter and shorter, and therefore the attention span is also decreasing, which is why these generations are much more impatient and nervous than their predecessors. research shows.

What unites them is that they have a strong power of judgment and critical thinking, which is why most of them are unreserved individuals who are not afraid to go against the system, state, religion, etc.

As much as they advocate for a healthy planet, they recycle and support and happily wear second-hand and vintage clothes, they are so obsessed with fashion and new trends that their favorite brands are Shein and Zara, which change fashion trends so quickly and release new things more than the average Gen Zer can publish stories daily. Visual identity is very important to them because through it they express their individuality, which they stand for and which is one of the main values of this generation.

Their generational identity has been affected by unenviable global circumstances, including climate change, terrorist attacks, the global financial crisis, COVID 19, etc.

However, research shows that no matter how headstrong they act, Zoomers are also very careful and calculating, and among this generation there are the fewest unplanned teenage pregnancies, they have a better attitude towards health (a lower death rate due to overdose and alcohol abuse), they take education more seriously (research shows that much less Gen Z-ers drop out of school more than millennials did) and use money more conscientiously.

When we talk about their conscientious behavior, we cannot fail to mention the representative of Gen Z activists, namely Greta Thunberg, who already at the age of 18 gave speeches that changed global awareness of climate change. Zoomers are guided entirely by the catchphrase "acta non verba"; and they are ready to really change things and not to talk about changes. They are very enterprising and aware that "the world rests on the young" is not an empty platitude.