According to his words, there are many great sides of being a digital nomad such as freedom which is priceless but isolation and the inability to create long-term relationships are definitely one of the biggest downsides of this lifestyle while adding ‘I’m luckily not traveling on my own now anymore.’ Although BiH has been in recent years an inevitable tourist destination, I was curious whether he came to BiH through a recommendation as part of a Balkan tour or was something else behind that move.‘We came on the recommendation of our friends who came earlier and we are really leaving impressed by everything, especially Sarajevo.’

I asked him what exactly his company does and how it is different from other ed-tech companies. ‘We offer comprehensive courses in the form of short formats as well as longer programs, which we call boot camps and which last from 9-12 months, which serve to help participants develop certain skills and technological disciplines, regardless of whether it is cyber security, data analytics, UX design...What distinguishes us from others is that our participants have mentors at their disposal who accompany them throughout the entire program, in the form of regular calls and meetings with a mentor who is an expert in his industry."

Quincey of course agrees, as we continued talking about education, that it should be free and available to all. However, when we continued to talk about the education system in the US, he claims that it is very frustrating because tuition is expensive and getting more expensive across different institutions, and he doesn't think that will change anytime soon. ‘Because of this’ Quincey states, ‘my company and similar service providers are in increasing demand because our courses have a guarantee of finding a job.’

Given that digital nomads are the most loyal users of coworking spaces around the world, I was interested in what he thought about tershouse and how he would compare it to other spaces of this type that he has visited so far. ‘tershouse is one of the better coworking spaces I've been to. I would say that the most important thing in any space like this, besides the people you share it with, are high-quality chairs and tables, and you also rent monitors here, so it's easy to get into good habits easily. The people we met at tershouse are very kind and interesting. Some of us even train in the same gym, so it was easy for us to build at least nice short-term relationships.’


As you may have noticed, most of the interviews with our coworkers end with a question about the life motto. ‘I wouldn't say that I have a life motto, but I often follow a saying that is a bit controversial and that says - when you jump, the net appears! This saying refers to the fact that we should not hold back from things that may appear and happen to us quickly and suddenly in our life when we have little time to make decisions.