The following tips mentioned in the article seem logical but many interviewers claim that candidates are often unprepared. So let's see what you should pay attention to during your next online job interview.
Before the interview, make sure that when communicating with a potential employer via e-mail keep a business-like attitude but at the same time keep a warm tone. Stay flexible when arranging an interview date as well as the communication channel through which the interview will take place.
It would be useful if you could find out in advance how many people will interview you and how much time you will have available because it will be easier for you to organize yourself time-wise and you will not look surprised when you realize that potentially several people will interview you. You will feel better, and more prepared since you will eliminate the surprise factor at least regarding that element and it will be less stressful. If you want to be super-ready, it would not be bad to find out the names of the people who will interview you in order to potentially find out something about them and from that point of view adjust the story and your presentation.
Take the time to rehearse the tone and video before starting the interview, but that should go without saying because preparation is key. Be prepared for questions about emotional intelligence, which will surely be the basis for evaluating you as a candidate. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is, according to research, a more important factor for success in the workplace than a general intelligence quotient or IQ.
In times such as the pandemic of the coronavirus where every step and plan was accompanied by uncertainty, in the last two years, we have sharpened emotional intelligence and maximized its capacity because of listening to the needs of others and supporting them was the basis of everyday life and never more important. EQ by definition is the human potential to connect with other people, the ability to empathize and to handle complex situations with ease. During a virtual interview, it is very difficult to assess EQ-related qualities but some of the questions that could ‘measure’ your EQ would relate to, for example, how you react to criticism; how you deal with conflict situations, etc. Read more about the importance of EQ on this site.
Closely related to EQ are soft skills that are equally important for the overall success of the interview, and we have already talked about them here. ·
Check the connection and do not participate in the interview from the phone, or from the cafe, but choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Start the online interview with a smile that reveals that you are glad to be participating in the interview. According to research, the first impression is gained during the first 3 seconds and you do not underestimate its power. So the chances that the person interviewing you will get the first impression of you before you manage to say anything are very high.
What is also important when we talk about online interviews is your visual presentation; business casual is always a proven option (as far as the upper part is concerned), and below it can be a tracksuit or pajamas - who will know? ;) Google Meet and Zoom support virtual backgrounds, which is a convenient option if the space you are in is inadequate. Research shows that employers prefer virtual backgrounds that simulate an office over mountains, beaches, and the like. It is undoubtedly a more convenient choice than clearing the room and targeting a decent corner of your room.
What is always recommended to candidates is to prepare for the interview in the sense that in addition to the mandatory research of the company, they also pose questions to the employer, so you will certainly seem more interested in the position.
Practice your voice and tone before the interview begins - you want to sound confident. Be self-aware but still modest - there is a very thin line between self-confidence and arrogance and this is a line you certainly do not want to cross during a job interview. It is important to be aware of yourself, your values, and how much you can contribute to a new employer and future team, but you must stay firmly on both feet because no one wants to hire an arrogant worker who cannot be criticized or suggested. Don’t use sentences like ‘I know my skills can contribute to your team’ during the interview but rather formulations like ‘I would cherish the opportunity to contribute to your team’ etc. As they say ‘devil’s in the details’. And another little tip is not to answer clichéd questions with covert praise in the style of ‘what are your biggest flaws?’ - ‘they say I don’t know how to relax and work too hard.’
Pay attention to how you behave in extraordinary circumstances such as a doorbell or a barking dog in the neighborhood. At times like this, the employer has the opportunity to see and hear how you behave during emergency scenarios and how you function under pressure, so be wise and careful because this can prevail over your Harvard courses, etc.
Most of the communication, if you talk to an experienced person, is hidden in body language and micro-expressions - if they are not in line with what you say, throw half the effort into the water because most of our tendencies or things we try to hide will come to light regardless of our self-control. Ideally, 24 hours after the interview, send an e-mail thanking you for the interview, not only will you show that you appreciate their time, but you will also get the opportunity to leave another good impression. This is a great opportunity to go back subtly maybe to something you wanted to mention but didn’t.
In short, that would be it, we wish you good luck in the next online interview, and in the meantime, you can stop by the tershouse where coworkers go through online interviews on a daily basis and learn some useful first-hand advice.