We woke up in a completely new reality, which was changed practically overnight. Everything changed, small startups, big companies, and enterprises were all left in the shallow, without knowing what to do, without guidance, rules, and even the future. While the pandemic has severely hampered every company, the employees who managed to maintain their jobs were all set to work remotely. 

Adapting to the new reality, which was chosen by none of us, has been quite a challenge for everyone. Employers have new obligations, and employees have new responsibilities. Previously unknown concepts and practices such as keeping social distance, constant disinfection of hands, the mandatory face masks, even during the most ordinary interactions with other people, are only a few additions to the internal company setups. All of this has become part of our lives in order to continue previously known activities.

The global pandemic has taught us a lesson - survival of the smartest and swiftest. Noone was given any additional time, to overthink the current situation or to make future plans. Only the ones who turned out to be the most skillful managed to coordinate quickly and face the challenge with the best response. Throughout the pandemic, businesses were and still are forced to change their directions, their communication strategies, correspondence, and even have to implement new working approaches.

Tershouse, as the largest and best-equipped coworking space in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has also suffered strong blows like many others but survived like only a few. The main reason Tershouse managed to come out of the water dry is the capability for a quick transformation. Despite the difficulties, we managed to meet all epidemiological requirements and implemented every security and safety measure. This way, Tershouse has successfully responded to all challenges and moreover, assisted companies as well as individuals in the working process. Even organizing events, which has been especially a challenge, is available with Tershouse.

Under the current circumstances, we have taken a number of strategic steps to enable all clients and our coworkers to operate safely and smoothly from our premises. Throughout the past 6 months, we have invested over 30,000 KM in the acquiring of audio, video, and software equipment. We believe that our contribution will enable our clients to hold various types of events, as well as facilitate communication and negotiations with clients during tiring times of pandemic.

By investing in the development of internal software we have increased the efficiency of our team by providing all our coworkers with access to the database of current users of coworking space. This is especially useful to check the free capacities at the venue and to make a decision regarding possible arrival and the booking dates. In this way, we have prevented the arrival of larger groups than allowed by the law, which once again highlights the responsibility and importance of the wellbeing of our clients.

In addition to all the above mentioned, a significant investment has been made in order to minimize the number of possible contacts, during visiting coworking space. This was accomplished by adding private toilets to the number of common area toilets for the guests of the Tershouse. We make regular check-ups and clean the toilets twice a day, with the disinfectants and following every single regulation. You will find dezo barriers and disinfectants in every content of the coworking place, reducing the chance of getting infected to almost zero. We understand that cleanliness and safety is the new form of freedom, offering you one. 


The fact that the tershouse has a space of 580 m2, divided by 4 conference rooms of enviable size, as well as a coworking space consisting of 2 parts, means that business activities can still be carried out unhindered in compliance with the rules of social distance and other safety measures. The multi-purpose software configuration, flexibility, adaptability to needs, possession of calling booths, and 4 halls, where smaller meetings are regularly held keeping the social distance recommendations, make the Tershouse safe haven for your working routine even during the global pandemic period.

In addition to the policy of social distancing, with chairs being separated and coworkers seated at a safe distance, we have managed to provide all our clients with free face masks, in order to prevent the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe and healthy.

One way or another, it is said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Pandemic threatened us, but instead of killing our ambitions, it made us way stronger than we have ever been before. Every single team member is determined to continue working and bringing new initiatives. We are ready to win the fight and continue moving towards the full realization of our vision, goals, and aims.

Tershouse is not just a place for freelancers or developers, tershouse is the unit of positive vibes, a learning platform, and a networking treasury. Here you can find people of different backgrounds including, digital agencies, economists, accountants, designers, and many more, which makes the place a multidisciplinary mix occupation and guarantees successful and efficient networking opportunities to all individuals as well as companies. Yet, this is not the end, Tershouse is the coworking space, offering event space, private space, business consulting, IT development, software development solutions for you, your company, or your friends. And we are only at the very beginning of our journey. 

We are a socially responsible community that provides great support to startups, holds meetups at the level of complete coworking. Everything this is in order to exchange knowledge, opinions, and ideas, and thus launch new projects, start new collaborations, initiate new activities all of which is the essence of coworking.