1. Who is Amir Huduti?
Amir Huduti is a man who loves data and can understand what the numbers tell him. In his private life, he is a proud father of two sons and a husband. His primary love is analytics and numbers, to which he became attracted to later due to life situations and opportunities. He likes challenges and getting out of his comfort zone, which he considers false security. Life has taught him that everything can be taken away from a man, but what he has in his head can never be taken away.
2. How and why did you switch from marketing in which you have worked for 15 years to cyber security?
After 15 years of life in the comfort zone I realized that I went through all the marketing that I could, and I wanted to do more! I went out of the comfort zone because the company for which I was working and in which I experienced incredible moments and professional expansion, is unfortunately closed now. I emphasize that with joyful memories related to working in that company which was out of all Bosnian and Balkan standards. I started to do analytics in the banking sector and I faced a challenge which was finding a software that requires momentary solutions. Then I started to learn about the cyber security sphere after which I got a job in a new company where I gained new knowledge, skills and experiences. I am currently working in a start-up company in Sarajevo where I am enabled to spread my horizons and where I have the opportunity to be a member of such an essential and large system.
3. How would you briefly explain what cyber security is?
In the company in which I am currently working our clients are people who are in fear that the other side will manipulate their data. We use tools that block or operate control in terms of access to softwares, data, or anything that should be limited to a certain number of people. We allow privileged access through verification without which there is no access by some tool or documentation. Also, another thing we do is monitor the algorithm, where it is possible to track the profile of each user to identify deviations in the time of using a tool. I believe that this sphere is quite unknown to everyone, and what makes me happy is that there is always something to work on, and that people can be sure that there will not be some manipulation of their data.
4. What is your opinion on common security problems of small start-ups and large companies - for example Facebook?
Facebok is a huge topic. Facebook gives us some security that our data is located somewhere where third parties can not access it. The degree of malversation depends on the type of data. Usually, fear is present when it comes to sensitive data such as identity numbers, credit card numbers or e-mails, i.e. everything that is used every day during Internet access. People can not be sure that someone will not archive these data and then manipulate them. That is why this pseudo security is very important.
5. From the perspective of the average user, can you give us a cyber protection
There is no protection but ourselves. It all depends on the pages we visit. The advice is to be careful how and to whom you leave your data regardless of security indications. We should not confuse the ethics of a machine and a man. The system itself cannot create ethics and morals, and it can always happen that a third person has a bad intention to harm one such system. My frequency is that we use certain sites and have our routine of browsing the Internet, we do not visit sites with suspicious content, so we will not need to install any protections or antivirus on our computers.
6. Within our local ecosystem, cyber security is a neglected topic – do you see that as
an advantage or a disadvantage for your company?
I see it as an advantage, because I generally do not like to see things as disadvantages and through pessimism. I try to be optimistic... The advantage is because I hope that in the future there will be people who will want to adopt new knowledge, to master something new from that aspect of knowledge and make an extension that is not so much related to the development of mobile applications which are number one... When you're working in a field such as IT - which is one ocean, it happens that people after a while start to stagnate in their comfort zone, and trends go further and further. So I hope that people will recognize this opportunity that in a short time they can contribute to their expansion, primarily intellectual, and only later perceive themselves through other aspects such as finances.
7. Life motto...?
What you have in your head is what no one can take away from you. It is your only property - intellectual and knowledge property that you should be focused on all your life.