1.Who is Šaha Isaković?


Šaha Isaković is a young energetic person, full of optimism and a great desire to gain new knowledge and experiences, create some new networks and connections, meet new people, the world, and everything possible.



2. You are young and you are already quite experienced in marketing, social networks and graphic design. Where did the love for marketing come from and how did it all start?


My professional development in marketing started during college. I enrolled at the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, and when the time came to choose a major, I chose marketing. What I want to point out is that I have never regretted either the choice of the Faculty of Economics or choosing marketing. After some time, it was time for the first work experience, i.e. a student internship, when I started working in Book digital (15 to 3 company), it is a young startup where I made my first professional steps and love was born. I had the most contact with digital marketing and that is where I profiled myself the most, specifically in social media marketing where I communicated different brands.



3. What would you say is the biggest challenge when talking about communication with your clients?


I find the hardest thing about communicating with your clients is that they're often unable to communicate what they want, then a communication error occurs. After that what follows is mutual dissatisfaction because the desire has not been clearly communicated. The problem is that clients often do not have a clear vision of their business, a clear path and goals and then they cannot convey that image clearly to someone. Communication through e-mails simplifies often communication because you do not have to be physically present, but it is sometimes harder to communicate cooperation and business goals in that way. 


4. In addition to marketing and social networks, music, more precisely singing is your great love… What does music give you and is singing a form of therapy for you?


In my case, the music career started a long time ago, but it was never at a full capacity. I have always chosen to make music a kind of hobby and therapy, in everyday life which is very often stressful and accelerated. It is necessary to have some way of relaxation, some moment just for yourself. For me, music is a special dimension and a great love, especially sevdah, i.e. our traditional BiH music. That is something I performed with first, my first public interpretation was sevdah and that first connection was somehow created then, and that was a long time ago, while I was in fifth grade. I try to pay attention to my talent, as much as I get from daily and business activities, and to nurture what was given to me as a gift by birth.



5. How do you manage to always be so cheerful and positive?


That's what a lot of people ask me. Every person, even the happiest one, have their downfalls. I try to accept all situations and I have also learned to accept my other side and look at each situation from several aspects. I focus more on solving the problem than on the problem itself. I believe that there is an adequate solution for every problem, there are always millions of ways and solution. I think the most important thing is not to focus on the problem but to try to find a solution to that problem. All the things that are current in life I don’t take to heart and filter. When I look at myself, everything is made possible; I am healthy, I appreciate all given opportunities and am thankful for the people I am surrounded by and for the abilities and possibilities I was given. It would be sad to focus on the obstacles and problems that everyone have in life.



6. You have been a part of the tershouse community for some time…What does this kind of community mean to you and is coworking for everyone in your opinion?


Honestly, I am thrilled with tershouse and this is my first coworking experience. Of course, it took me a while to adapt, to get to know others. This type of community is such that it is normal for some people to come and others to leave. The benefits of coworking are really great, from sharing experiences, spreading knowledge, networking, friendly conversations, advice. If you want you can build a close relationship with some people, with whom you have the same perception and vision of some things. As for the concept of work, people here accept differences, each person brings with them a set of advantages and disadvantages and people who simply do not want to communicate, just want to work, such people are accepted and no one considers them less valuable because they are some introverted. On the other hand, there is room for socializing and everyone who is a member of the tershouse is welcome. The tershouse community accepts everyone, with all the differences, and has understanding for everyone and respect for everyone. Now your choice is whether you just want to work your working hours there and leave or you want to create a deeper connection with other people.



7. Life motto…?


"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

It’s something that guides me through life. We all have both a business and a private side but this motto is very comprehensive to me, wherever you can do something good, leave a positive mark on someone, and do not doubt that it will come back to you for good.