The benefits that exercise has on human health are already well known and a common topic, and for a reason, there is a saying that exercise is the best medicine. It is certainly worth remembering the basic benefits that exercise has on physical and mental health.

Regular exercise prevents metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and, according to some research, even cancers and diseases such as arthritis. In addition to this, exercise helps to optimize blood pressure, which keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and at the same time strengthens the heart muscle, which makes the heart work more effectively. Sweating affects the production of endorphins (one of the happiness. hormones) which helps you relax but also regulates the levels of cortisol (stress hormone). In addition to cardiovascular and hormonal benefits, there is certainly weight that is regulated through exercise, and with that comes a more desirable aesthetic of the body, which leads to a person's overall self-satisfaction.

Exercise and productivity in the workplace go hand in hand. For this reason, the trend of modern companies in recent decades is to provide their employees with membership fees for gyms or at least discounts in the same, because awareness of this correlation is growing every day. As mentioned earlier, exercise affects mental health by regulating the hormones responsible for adapting to stress and mood, but also to productivity and creativity.

Research proves how important exercise is for productivity, creativity, mental health (and therefore mood), less absence from work, etc. According to MedlinePlus, regular exercise helps to 'wash' bacteria from the lungs and airways - thus reducing the risk from seasonal flu, colds and many other diseases. Physical activity has a positive effect on the immune system of employees, which makes them less susceptible to decreased immunity and thus less absence from work follows, given that research shows that the general health of exercisers is better than that of colleagues who are not physically active. According to current statistics collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only one in three adults meets the optimal quota for physical activity during the week.

The culture of exercise and wellness is something that has become increasingly popular over the past decades for many reasons. People who exercise are generally happier and more satisfied with themselves, which helps to keep the general atmosphere in the workplace positive and to make stress less felt. Exercise also has a big impact on the connection between colleagues, because any interest that connects colleagues has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships. In addition to this, it is easier to intend to exercise and train when you lose motivation if you have your partner with whom you train, and it is convenient when it is someone from work because you can continue training immediately after working hours. Here are a few more reasons why exercise is becoming more and more popular during business hours:

- Vigilance and energy - one of ways in which exercise can boost productivity at work is through vigilance. When we exercise, we stimulate circulation both in the whole body and in the brain, which has a positive effect on alertness. A protein called BDNF boosts our cognitive abilities, and BDNF production is boosted through exercise. In addition, the mere fact that we have more energy will make us more productive at work. If you do not have time for training after working hours, it is recommended to set aside at least half an hour during working hours and use the break in a more useful way, through a brisk walk or to use stairs instead of elevators, which is a small but useful step in changing your daily life habits on the path to better health.

- Better and deeper sleep - which means that you will have a more relaxed employee, which is again related to productivity. "According to available research, we have strong evidence that exercise helps us fall asleep faster but also affects sleep quality and depth, although we cannot currently clarify what mechanisms exactly affect this correlation," said Dr. Charlene Gamaldo, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep Studies.

- Based on a Harvard study, the benefits of exercise are multifaceted and relate to cognitive abilities such as creativity, faster learning, sharper memory and improved concentration. A study by Leeds Metropolitan University found that employees who exercise during working hours are more productive, more motivated, have better time management, are better decision-makers, and generally feel more satisfied.

Jasmina Šuko, one of our coworkers, who has recently become a doctor, confirms the importance of exercise and its benefits by referring to numerous clinical trials “Dozens of randomised clinical trials have demonstrated that exercise improves health outcomes. Evidence shows that exercise increases energy, reduces stress, sharpens the focus, and improves sleep. All of these benefits are known to be positively correlated with the increase in productivity in the workplace."


For all the above-mentioned reasons, tershouse holds yoga classes for its employees once a week, and for all coworkers who like a more strenuous form of exercise, Crossfit and KDV are a partner of the terhouse, and our coworkers have significant discounts in their gym. When all this is taken into account, you understand why it pays for company directors to invest in the fitness membership fees of their employees; better immunity - less absence from work, less sick leave and less chance of spreading infectious diseases or seasonal flu. Therefore, as the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, said: "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit."